Learn. Engage. Create Change.
The Center for Social Impact at Penn State Brandywine develops pathways for students to become socially responsible leaders and citizens who are prepared to create positive change in the world.
Become Aware.
One of the earliest steps in becoming an active citizen involves learning about the conflicts and issues in our society, both locally and globally. Developing personal awareness of issues provides an individual with knowledge and motivation that will eventually lead to action.
Take Part.
Issues in our communities can be complex and difficult to solve. Improving our communities — making them a place where people are healthy, safe, and cared for — is an ongoing task. The ability to partner with other organizations and individuals is essential to the building of healthier communities.
Work Study.
Federal Work Study gives eligible students the opportunity to receive financial support in return for their work and service. With this program, students are given the ability to work either on campus or off-campus with community partners in meaningful roles.
The Center In Action
A selection of videos featuring the Center for Social Impact’s programs and events.
Center for Social Impact Calendar of Events
Instagram Feed
Follow our social media accounts for engagement opportunities, campus or community events, and more!
In the News
A selection of articles written about the Center for Social Impact.
(Formerly known as the Center for Ethics and Civic Engagement)